KEPServerEX is far more than just an OPC servers - it is an entire connectivity platforms for industrial automation and IoT.
The Advanced Plug-ins extend the capabilities of KEPServerEX, providing enhanced functionality, bringing benefits at the shop-floor and across the business.

Database Connectivity : DataLogger Plug-in
Logging of real-time production data to a local database is a common requirement, within manufacturing.
DataLogger is an easy-to-configure plug-in, that integrates seamlessly within KEPServerEX.
It logs data from the KEPServerEX platform to any ODBC-compliant database.
Supports any ODBC-compliant database management system
User-friendly installation and configuration
Drag and drop support for adding OPC data items (tags)
Supports dynamically-created tags
Provides flexible triggering
It is also possible to extract data from Databases, using the ODBC Driver.
IoT & Web-Server connectivity : IoT Gateway Plug-in
The IoT Gateway Plug-in links real-time production data, from KEPServerEX, with
Business-level , IT systems
Site-based web-servers
Internet-hosted IoT Cloud analytics platforms
Enterprise-level big-data clouds
Seamlessly streaming real-time industrial data direct to business systems, for real-time analysis, visualisation and storage.
Improved enterprise-wide decision-making, based upon real-time data
Real-time visibility of the same production data, across multiple business levels
More efficient production and capacity planning
Quicker root-cause, problem analysis & anomaly detection
Coherent data-security across all levels of the Enterprise

Advanced Tag Plug-in
Advanced Tags enables the execution of maths, logic, or analysis within the KEPServerEX connectivity platform
Cross-Link data values between dissimilar systems, PLCs, etc, in real-time
Calculating new values from raw measures
Pre-shape production data, before passing it upwards
Perform logical operations with the data, at the shop-floor level
OPC Tunnel Solution
Kepware's OPC-UA tunnel solution uses two instances of KEPServerEX, to provide a secure and reliable, real-time data tunnel through firewalls and across the internet, WAN, or LAN.
One KEPServerEX instance functions as the tunnel client.
The other instance functions as the tunnel server.
You can also use the same principle to create a ‘1-to-many’ multi-tunnel solution.
It allows for easy remote communications between devices, data sources, and applications, by eliminating the reliance on Microsoft COM and DCOM technology.
Easier configuration than DCOM and reliable in operation
Robust portfolio of client interfaces and devices
Secure and reliable data transfer using 256-bit AES message signing and encryption
Multi-threaded architecture and non-blocking asynchronous messaging for performance, scalability, and reliability
Easy troubleshooting through diagnostic tools