Store and retrieve your historical data
Store your data in one of these historians in a compact, easily accessible format. Analyze or display your data using any of the analytical, reporting, or graphing tools available to the historian you are connecting to, as well as DataHub WebView and OPC UA HDA clients.
You can connect the DataHub to the following historians :
InfluxDB®: a popular open source time series database.
InfluxDB Cloud™: cloud based time series database.
Amazon Kinesis™ Data Streams (KDS): data store for AWS.
AVEVA™ Historian: a plant-scale industrial historian
AVEVA™ Insight: cloud-based analysis for industrial data.
OSIsoft PI System™: real-time historian used to collect, store, contextualize, visualize and integrate process data.
RESTful systems: – any web service that supports the REST.
Tunnelling Historical Data
Combining InfluxDB with DataHub’s Tunneller lets you send historical data across a network, even via proxy servers and DMZs. Built-in store-and-forwarding ensures no data losses during network irregularities. No VPNs, no open Inbound firewall ports.

Store and forward for cloud historians
Connections to Amazon Kinesis, Azure IoT Hub, Amazon IoT Core, Google IoT, and other MQTT brokers now include built-in store-and-forward using the InfluxDB historian. Local data storage ensures no data losses during network irregularities. You gain the reliability of store-and-forward and local historical data visibility with a single configuration.