DataHub WebView
Full-featured HMI
If you’re looking for a leading edge HMI to monitor your process, but you’re not ready to make the significant investment in a large and complex SCADA system, then DataHub WebView can easily meet your needs by delivering a self-contained system that includes real-time data delivery, web server and HMI designer for one enterprise wide solution with centralized management and deployment – all in one easy to install application.
What it does
Web-deployed HMI to view your real-time data.
Remote monitoring and supervisory control.
Unlimited client and data connections.
Real-time response, through very low latency connections.
Centralized deployment so you can build screens anywhere and view them instantly everywhere.
Integrate multiple data sources and protocols (OPC UA, DA, MQTT, databases, Modbus, etc.).
Make database calls from within web pages — great for management dashboards.